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'Many people today don’t know what constitutes a Hate Crime, even if you are victim of a hate crime you spend hours days weeks even revisiting it and trying to understand whether this thing has happened to you because of who or what you are, or how somebody else perceived you OR was it just wrong place wrong time?'

Electric Fence Contributor

'No-one should have to live with abuse like that, it's inexcusable. But, and this may annoy you, what about all the wonderfully positive attention you receive, immediately after you were verbally abused - within ONE minute - two others called out their love and friendship to you as we continued walking along. Abuse is inexcusable, but you should also concentrate on the positives.'

Electric Fence Contributor

'The key tactic of any bully is the isolating of their victim, the humiliation and overwhelming erosion of self-confidence is the anxious feeling that fills the vacuum. Rendered emotionally powerless, directionless, victims unwittingly take on the internalised fear of their perpetrator in a horrific downward spiral of parallel processes. Isolation.'

Electric Fence Contributor

'I reported my hate crime attack last year yet the case was dropped with evidence gathering weighted against the victim. How many reports get to court? Reporting hate crime is never a waste of time but prosecution is a rarity.'

Electric Fence Contributor

'A fence like this could be thought of as part of an 'architecture of fear'. Is this a paranoid response to the other or offering us a space of safety? Borders, boundaries and bodies are intimately connected and also always permeable, inherent in this piece are issues of global and local migration.'

Electric Fence Contributor

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